How much do Dutch tutors charge per hour?

According to our research, the average Dutch tutor hourly rate is $33 USD (€31 or £27). However, rates vary significantly based on multiple factors, including experience, qualifications, where the tutor is based, and whether lessons are face-to-face or online. Find out more below.

Dutch Tutor Rates Per Hour

Below you can see how the average rate per hour varies by the country the tutor is from. The data is based on rates analysed for both face-to-face and online tutors. If you want to see hourly rates for available online tutors from each country, click the links in the table below.

Country Dutch tutor hourly rate (av) View tutors
The Netherlands $35/h (£29/h) See tutors from The Netherlands
Belgium $30/h (£25/h) See tutors from Belgium

You can view Dutch tutors' rates and reviews on LanguaTalk. Click here to view live Dutch tutor rates per hour. Online tutors tend to be cheaper than local tutors in the USA and Europe.

What factors affect how much Dutch tutors charge per hour?

When you look for someone to help you learn Dutch, you'll see there's a wide range in how much Dutch tutors cost. This is based on many factors, including:

  • The tutor's level of experience. Tutors with more experience tend to have higher demand and may therefore charge more for their services.
  • The location of the tutor. Tutors based in large cities or countries with high costs of living may charge more for their services.
  • The tutor's qualifications. Tutors who are qualified to prepare students for exams such as the NT2 may be able to charge more for their services.
  • Whether the tutor provides online or in-person lessons. Tutors who teach online do not have to travel to meet students, which can allow them to charge lower rates than those who offer face-to-face lessons.

As you can see, it's difficult to answer with precision when someone asks: how much do Dutch tutors charge per hour? We hope the above information has informed you on the typical ranges you can expect based on country, experience and lesson format. If you'd like to see live Dutch tutor rates per hour and view profiles, you can click the image below: