Avoir Future Tense Conjugation

Use the chart, examples, and video below to learn how to conjugate avoir in the future tense (le futur).

Avoir: Future Tense Conjugation Chart

j' aurai
tu auras
il/elle/on aura
nous aurons
vous aurez
ils/elles auront

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Examples: how to conjugate avoir in future tense

Here are some examples of conjugating avoir in future (futur) form:

Bientôt j'aurai ma propre chambre.

Soon, I'll have my own room.

Puis, il aura 90 secondes pour répondre à ces commentaires.

Then, he will have 90 seconds to respond to these comments.

Sinon, nous aurons un problème.

Otherwise, we will have a problem.


  • Avoir is a highly irregular verb - making it tricky to learn!
  • Don’t worry about memorising all the future conjugations by heart. Through speaking and listening on a regular basis, you’ll develop an intuitive feel for the rules and exceptions when conjugating verbs.
  • If you want help with grammar, or you just want to become fluent in French, you may want to take personalised 1-on-1 lessons. At LanguaTalk, we find the very best online tutors, and many of them offer lower rates than you’d find in your area. Check tutors’ reviews and videos HERE, and consider booking a free trial session.

Reminder of what the French personal pronouns mean:

  • je = I
  • tu = you (singular informal)
  • il/elle = he/she
  • on = we (formal)
  • nous = we (informal)
  • vous= you (singular formal OR plural (both formal and informal))
  • ils/elles = they

How to conjugate avoir in the future tense - recommended video:

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See how to conjugate avoir in other tenses:

Conjugate avoir in the present

Conjugate avoir in the imperfect

Conjugate avoir in the passé composé

Conjugate avoir in the subjunctive