Avoir Imparfait Conjugation

Use the chart, examples, and video below to learn how to conjugate avoir in the imparfait (imperfect) tense.

Avoir: Imparfait Conjugation Chart

j' avais
tu avais
il/elle/on avait
nous avions
vous aviez
ils/elles avaient

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Examples: how to conjugate avoir in imparfait tense

Here are some examples of conjugating avoir in imparfait (imperfect) form:

J'avais faim.

I was hungry.

Vous n'aviez pas le droit de faire ça.

You did not have the right to do that.

Les assistants n'ont plus la résistance qu'ils avaient.

Assistants don't have the stamina they used to have.


  • Avoir is an irregular verb.
  • Don’t worry about memorising all the imparfait conjugations by heart. Through speaking and listening on a regular basis, you’ll develop an intuitive feel for the rules and exceptions when conjugating verbs.
  • If you want help with grammar, or you just want to become fluent in French, you may want to take personalised 1-on-1 lessons. At LanguaTalk, we find the very best online tutors, and many of them offer lower rates than you’d find in your area. Check tutors’ reviews and videos here, and consider booking a free trial session.

Reminder of what the French personal pronouns mean:

  • je = I
  • tu = you (singular informal)
  • il/elle = he/she
  • on = we (formal)
  • nous = we (informal)
  • vous= you (singular formal OR plural (both formal and informal))
  • ils/elles = they

How to conjugate avoir in the imperfect tense - recommended video:

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See how to conjugate avoir in other tenses:

Conjugate avoir in the present

Conjugate avoir in the passé composé

Conjugate avoir in the future

Conjugate avoir in the subjunctive