Spanish tutor Estefanía

Estefanía M

Estefanía M

3056 Lessons
English and Spanish
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Adults only
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"I'm an upper-intermediate/advanced student who's looking for help refining my Spanish. I really appreciate that Estefanía is willing to answer my questions on the fly (as they come up in conversation) and if she's not quite sure how to explain it, will look into it for the next lesson. A fun and helpful first lesson! I look forward to many more!" "I'm an upper-intermediate/advanced student who's looking for help refining my Spanish. I really appreciate that Estefanía is willing to answer my questions on the fly (as they come up in conversation) and if she's not quite sure how to explain it, will look into it for the next lesson. A fun and helpful first lesson! I look forward to many more!"
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Student Reviews
5.0 372 Ratings

79 Lessons | October 24, 2023

Estefanía has been so patient working with me over the past few months especially when we have to go over something multiple times before I remember it. I feel like I am learning a lot and am excited about my future lessons.


90 Lessons | October 23, 2023

Esta is always prepared and present and patient. Good skills for any teacher.


14 Lessons | September 21, 2023

Patience, kindness and great delivery are all hallmarks of Estefania's approach. She is the best instructor that I've had.


90 Lessons | August 16, 2023

I have been taking lessons with Este for six months now. She is always prepared and flexible and patient with a beginner which I am. I am definitely learning. Duncan Moran

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Payments are in USD. Prices above are based on the latest exchange rates. Estefanía also offers 30-min lessons - click 'Buy Lessons' for pricing.