Hi, I'm Catarina and I am a native Portuguese speaker who loves to teach and learn. I like to adapt the lessons to my students and have been teaching all levels, from beginner to advanced. I have a Pedagogical Skills Certificate which allows me to give training here in Portugal and have a passion for sharing some knowledge of my language and also learning from people with different nationalities and backgrounds.
My education is in Science and Culinary and I love both these fields. I love to read and learn about anything that I find interesting. Hope to see you soon!
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37 Lessons | February 25, 2025
My lessons with Catarina are always enjoyable, even when I become frustrated with my errors. We speak about day-to-day activities as well as current affairs, culture and sport. Today, I was very pleased to note my progress in several tricky grammatical areas. Catarina also remembers our discussions from previous lessons and refers to them from time to time. This gives our lessons a continuity that helps with my learning.
7 Lessons | February 24, 2025
Catarina is an Excellent teacher! Very patient and helpful
25 Lessons | February 24, 2025
Hoje, a Catarina incentivou-me a formar e pronunciar uma frase. É muito fácil aprender rápido com uma professora como a Catarina
25 Lessons | February 6, 2025
Estou a um mês de começar a aprender com a Catarina, com um vocabulário de zero palavras. Hoje, pela primeira vez, senti uma profunda sensação de satisfação ao começar a compreender a língua. Embora entender o que ouço seja difícil, mesmo nos casos mais simples, a leitura está a tornar-se mais significativa. Estou muito confiante e feliz que a Catarina está a acelerar o meu progresso mais rapidamente do que pensei que conseguiria. (Usei IA para escrever este parágrafo - ainda não sou assim tão bom :-) I am one month from starting learning with Catarina, with a vocabulary of zero words. Today, for the first time, I felt a deep sense of satisfaction that I was starting to grasp the language. While understanding what I hear is difficult, even in simple cases, reading becomes more meaningful. I am very confident and happy that Catarina is accelerating me forward faster than I thought I would. (I used AI to write this paragraph - I am not that good yet :-) )