Bonjour ! Tu souhaites apprendre le français, pour voyager, pour ton travail, ou simplement pour l'amour de la langue ?
Mon but est de t'aider à atteindre tes objectifs quels qu'ils soient.
==> J'adapte mes classes selon ton niveau, tes besoins et envies, et je crée moi-même tous les exercices en fonction !
Plein de choses sont possibles : des exercices de prononciation, de grammaire, des mises en situation, l'écoute de podcasts ou de vidéos, la lecture d'articles ou de livres... Mais le plus important reste la discussion, car c'est en pratiquant la langue qu'on s'améliore !
IMPORTANT : durant le cours, je corrige à l'oral tes erreurs et je t'envoie les corrections dans un document écrit après chaque cours. Je peux aussi te donner des devoirs si tu le souhaites.
N'hésite pas à réserver un premier cours ! :)
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Hello! Do you want to learn French, to travel, for your job, or simply for the love of the language?
My goal is to help you achieve your goals whatever they may be.
==> I adapt my classes according to your level, your needs and desires, and I create all the exercises myself accordingly!
Many things are possible: pronunciation exercises, grammar exercises, role-playing, listening to podcasts or videos, reading articles or books... But the most important thing is the discussion, because it is by practicing the language that we improve!
IMPORTANT: during the course, I correct your mistakes orally and I send you the corrections in a written document after each class. I can also give you homework if you wish.
Don't hesitate to book a first lesson! :)
Select a time to book a 30-minute trial session.
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23 Lessons | April 12, 2024
I am taking lessons with Sophie to help give confidence when talking. I have only had two lessons, but already I look forward to them. Sophie immediately puts me at ease and the lessons so far have been full of laughs and learning!
17 Lessons | April 4, 2024
Sophie is so engaging! We always have a fabulous time at her lessons. I really look forward to them. I always learn a lot and she makes sure we talk as much as possible throughout the lesson. She is good at explaining things and very paitent. I appreciate that she catches our mistakes and corrects our pronunciation right away!
124 Lessons | March 22, 2024
Always fun and educational with Sophie. I highly recommend her.
77 Lessons | February 28, 2024
So which fun!